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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 11, Issue 6, pp. 919-1117

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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The Algebra of Linear Partial Difference Operators and Its Applications

Doron Zeilberger

pp. 919-932

Uniqueness of Walsh Series Which Satisfy an Averaged Growth Condition

William R. Wade

pp. 933-937

Some Basic Hypergeometric Extensions of Integrals of Selberg and Andrews

Richard Askey

pp. 938-951

Estimates for the Derivatives of Solutions to Weakly Singular Fredholm Integral Equations

Juhani Pitkäranta

pp. 952-968

On Frequency Domain Stability for Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces via the Algebraic Riccati Equation

D. Wexler

pp. 969-983

Generalized Convexity

S. Gudder and F. Schroeck

pp. 984-1001

A Remark on Equations $y'' + p_1 y' + p_2 y = 0$ at an Irregular Singular Point

J. F. Colombeau and A. Meril

pp. 1002-1010

Killing Tensors and Variable Separation for Hamilton-Jacobi and Helmholtz Equations

E. G. Kalnins and Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 1011-1026

On $q$-Binomial Coefficients and Some Statistical Applications

B. R. Handa and S. G. Mohanty

pp. 1027-1035

A Perturbation of an Abstract Volterra Equation

T. Kiffe

pp. 1036-1046

Conditional Positivity of Quadratic Forms in Hilbert Space

D. H. Martin

pp. 1047-1057

Uniformly Valid Expansions for Laplace Integrals

L. A. Skinner

pp. 1058-1067

Harmonic Analysis on Bilateral Classes

Kurt Bernardo Wolf and Thomas H. Seligman

pp. 1068-1074

Invariant Sets for Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Systems

Hendrik J. Kuiper

pp. 1075-1103

A Uniqueness Theorem for Helmholtz' Equation: Penetrable Media with an Infinite Interface

Gerhard Kristensson

pp. 1104-1117